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GridLayout for Compose


GridLayout for Compose is a library for missing grid layout in Jetpack Compose and Compose Multiplatform. This library helps to implement simple grid UI.


GridLayout for Compose provides a simple layout composables for building grid UI. Below list is the core features of this library:

  • 2 layout composables (HorizontalGrid and VerticalGrid) for building grid.
  • Cell strategy called SimpleGridCells to define how many cells should exist.
  • Horizontal and vertical arrangement.

The grid layout composables have simple API to implement grid. For example to draw grid like this:


You can write code like this:

    columns = SimpleGridCells.Fixed(3),
    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
) {
    for ((index, color) in colors.withIndex()) {
            color = color,
            text = (index + 1).toString(),

To read more detail documentation, please read documentation.


This library is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.